Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Rough Poster (VERY ROUGH)


  1. I like what you are doing with this poster. You are not fully giving away what the organization really is, which is fun and interesting to make the viewers try to find what your trying to say. Its a unique approach. My suggestion would be to add like a date/time/location, and maybe give the viewers some other type of hint to what your organization is and who will be performing.
    -Jordan Pena

  2. I like how you created a rough for your poster! I can see what you're doing with the women blowing into the windmills, but I am confused as to what you are doing with the right side of your poster. I would also include some information about who is going to be playing at this event, who it's benefiting (your logo), and the place and time of the actual event. Good luck!

  3. I like that you are messing around with ideas about what you want to portray on this poster. I really like the squares and the different colors, it makes it look very abstract. My only suggestion is making clear who your concert is for and then obviously figuring out how you want to put it all together.
