Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Caution: Societal Dilemmas Revealed In Response to Pepsi


           To whomever reads this, I hope you will postpone doubt and judgment to read the following post. When you are finished, I hope you will have understood my message for all that I meant to say, and nothing of what I didn’t. This post will be blunt, but I promise you, it will be honest.
In the last week, Pepsi has been the focus in social media controversy. In their latest ad featuring Kendall Jenner in a ‘Pepsi Protest’ they made a few too many mistakes. However, there are many people who are looking at the commercial as being insensitive ONLY toblack people and the Black Lives Matter movement. As a black person, I find this to be ridiculous.
              As black men and women we do not hold a cornerstone on protests, nor do we have a right to categorize everything to being about race, which is often done and referred to as pulling the ‘race card’. 
In an attempt to gain equality, black people have also segregated themselves and often equate racism as being something that only affects black Americans. There are even some who have the misconception that black people cannot be racist which isn’t true either. While I do believe that police brutality and the plight of black people has been systematically engrained into the culture of America, I do not think that the way we are reacting to these issues will take us forward. Instead, I’m very worried that these reactions only hold America back from the progress it should have made a long time ago.
              The real issue regarding the Pepsi commercial is that it downplayed what a real protest is like and what injustices are inflicted on people during one. Protests can be very stressful and can often end in violence. Many people have been arrested for protesting in America in the last 3 years which should be illegal since it goes against our first amendment rights: “Congress shall make no law respectingan establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; orabridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the peoplepeaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress ofgrievances". And the police are given an overabundance of riot gear for an event that is peaceful in nature and should never advance that far.
Lately, protests and riots have initiated often all over America and the results have been dismal. I will never say that these protests and riots were useless or unnecessary because they were needed to show America that we still have deeply rooted issues. It is time for America, as a whole, to face the injustices that have been dealt to those who did not deserve it. I have said it once before and I’ll say it again that America is a bastard nation that has done the worst possible things to generations of people over its entire lifetime. But it is also a nation can thrive when we all work together. The real problem that we have is that we look at things personally and after becoming jaded refuse to see the truth for what it is. We refuse to connect the dots and DO something that will make a lasting change.
              Since high school I could feel a war brewing. I felt deep in my soul that America would become a battleground once more and brother would kill brother; sister would betray sister; and couples would abandon each other for differences that do not matter. If we continue the way we are, war will be inevitable. I, who am not close to God at all, will be praying that before that happens we see what needs to be done so we can avoid this fate.

Poster Final

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Beer, Bourbon, & BBQ Festival

This past Saturday, rather than participate in local bar crawls or door parties, I spent April Fool’s Day partaking in my favorite things. Food & good alcohol.

“I feel like this is what every Friday night in Texas is like.”-Steven Harris

The Beer, Bourbon, & BBQ Festival held at the Cow Palace at the Timonium Fairgrounds is a yearly tradition of southern taste. Starting on March 31st, the down-home fun began at 2pm each day & end at 6.
Based on my experiences from this weekend, I can only dream of the fantastical plans they have for next year! Attending the festivities with me was my friend Megan Shrewsbury, we entered the event around 4pm because I was running late (it says you need to have the printed-out ticket but you can just use your phone). Because of this we were limited by how much we could eat but Kolby’s Smokehouse made a very good impression!
In preparation for this long-awaited day, I did not eat at all beforehand so I felt comfortable enough to order a ½ rack of pork ribs &a Jar-B-Que (layers of BBQ sauce, pulled pork, baked beans, & coleslaw). The ribs were served dry but they had 3 of their BBQ sauce options there for everyone to choose: Original, Carolina, & Chipotle. Not being particularly fond of spicy foods, I decided not to risk the chipotle & tasted the other two instead. Kolby’s Carolina BBQ sauce was the best sauce I had ever tasted on a rib! It had a peppery note to it that offset the sweetness of the BBQ without being overbearing. Megan ordered a BBQ pulled pork sandwich.  Both of our meals disappeared in a matter of minutes! After eating we helped ourselves to a few different beers. With the tasting cup, (included in your general admission ticket price of $39) you get a free sample from each liquor vendor, & they aren’t afraid to fill your cup!

Whilst socializing, we were given a tip from a man named Jim Corcoran that the best drink there was the Saranac Coffee Lager. With a name like Corcoran we of course listened to him & went off to find the vendor tent. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, all the coffee lager was gone! Next year we will have a plan of action in place to try everything they offer! But based on how fast it went, the lager must have been good!
During the festival, a live band was playing everything from classic bluegrass to modern pop. The lead singer of Lost In Paris, Randy Major said that their, “booking agent has been putting bands,” at the Beer, Bourbon, & BBQ events for a long time. They put on a terrific show & many people took to them quickly. On bass is Vinny Derenzis, Jeff Gerowsky on guitar, Josh Allen on keys, & on the drums, Brandon Johns. Major reported that it was a “fun crowd, everyone was enjoying themselves, everybody had some spirits in them,” (literally & figuratively)! You can find out more about them at lipband.com or follow them on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram! Megan & I truly enjoyed their performance as did many others who were there.

“Alcohol Narnia!”-angel#

One thing I wanted to know was what the purpose of the event was. Why did people go to the trouble to create this yearly event? Luckily, I made some new friends who were more than willing to help me figure it out! A friend of mine Dwayne Trawick worked at the Arcadia vendor that day. He offered up Battle Creek & Sky High Rye for consumption & jokingly said the purpose was, “to get people trashed” the festival prides itself on making sure each person drinks responsibly, but they still know how to have fun. Nick Silverson, from DC, & his cousin Noe, from Connecticut, came to the festival to connect with each other for the first time! When I asked them what they thought the purpose of the event was, they had a few ideas. Silverson first said it was to, “get drunky,” but after taking another moment he then said that the, “higher purpose is comradery”. Agreeing, Noe stated that it was all about, “bringing people together around a shared interest in alcohol.” Both answers were right on the money.
"Eat Food. Get Drunk. Have Fun”-Stephen Morrison
At the end of the event, I managed to meet Greg Nivens, the owner of Trigger (the company that produces the Drink. Eat. Relax. events) &he could enlighten me. For 11 years Beer Bourbon &BBQ has attracted over 12,000 people to the festival each year. He says that Beer, Bourbon, & BBQ, “was invented to celebrate all the things I miss,” elaborating that good food produces good feelings & he wanted to create an event that would bring those feelings back.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the festival with Megan & I met many people who enjoyed themselves as well! If you are reading this post, I urge you to attend this event next year. And the year after that. And the year after that… but you get the picture. Take the time to slow down with this new savory tradition!